The eggs in incubators contain living, developing embryos. For them to achieve optimal development, chick quality, and hatchability, they need the correct temperature, humidity, and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to Oxygen balance. This will only happen if they are in rooms that are c… Read more
This article provides management advice, includes descriptions of common leg health issues and offers strategies to improve the leg health of broiler breeders, with a particular emphasis on the production period. Read more
This is a short technical article written by Dr Marcelo Silva. The article discusses the need for a holistic strategy for feeding the modern broiler breeder in order to maximize their reproductive potential. Read more
This article has been written specifically for poultry producers in Latin America; however, the recommendations given are expected to be useful and informative for other world regions. The aim of this article is to provide information on areas for consideration/action if a f… Read more
This article has been written specifically for poultry producers in Latin America. However, the recommendations given are expected to be useful and informative for other world regions. The aim of this article is to provide information on areas for consideration/action if a f… Read more
Whether producing meat, eggs, milk or other animal products, it is well established that effectively managing environmental conditions reduces the total cost of production. Read more
Ascites is a multi-factorial syndrome caused by interactions between physiological, environmental and management factors. Its presence in a broiler flock will have a significant effect on the biological and economical performance of the flock. The key to preventing Ascites i… Read more